In our Nautical Sports Store (See location)
we offer to the public a wide selection of products for sport fishing and all water sports, as well as decorative items related to the marine world.
We have in stock:
- A wide range of different types of ropes, sizes and colors.
- Variety of pulleys, especially sailing.
- Specialists in stainless cables and accessories like shackles, snap hooks, swivel, turnbuckles, hemp ...
- We manufacture all kinds of cables and railings garcias.
- Wetsuits, wetsuits. Boots and water safety. Gloves.
- Nautical paints, brushes, sicaflex, adhesives.
- Boat safety equipment, bilge pumps. Pyrotechnics.
- Nautical Electronics: Gps, vhf, probes ...
- Nautical charting.
- Anodes, grapnels.